Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A "Fan Card" for Dan Snyder

I received this email from my cousin , so I decided to upload it for everyone to share, since I hate forwarding emails to a bunch of people. Here is the email:

"Dear Redskins fans, and haters of Daniel M. Snyder,

Attached is a symbolic "Fan Card" for the Washington Redskins. If you have the time and the desire to flood The Dan's mailbox with a message of dissent (and frankly, annoy him to no end), please print out the attachment, sign it, and mail it to Daniel Snyder (at the address on the card), as well as any one (or more) of the media outlets listed on the attachment.

The plan is to put them in the mail on November 2 so they can all reach The Dan at approximately the same time.

This is a symbolic gesture -- not renouncing our love of the team, just sending a direct message to Snyder that enough is enough."

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Redskins vs. Eagles, Black Monday 10/26

I decided to be a team supporter and actually attend the Eagles game knowing that we are going to get crushed. I knew we would either implode or get blown out, and sure enough I was right. If I was a gambling man, I would start betting on my favorite team, which is a big no no in gambling.

I decided to bring my old co-worker who is a huge Eagles fan, yet respectful of the Redskins history and franchise. We ignored the handicap staff that works at the parking lot and bypassed all the traffic and went right into the green lot off Arena drive. The tailgating was great as usual, although I learned a lesson, which is to park under the lights (dahhh).

Once again the Redskins management who always know best, decided to honor Brian Mitchell before the game, knowing that the majority of the fans enter the game during the last half hour before the game starts. Naturally, we missed the event. Note to the Redskins, your organization is just STUPID, from top down. Why not half-time? Oh, is it because the fans might actually stay in their seats and not go buy $8 beers to wash down their $14 cheeseburgers? The Redskins front office just makes me vomit. One more little issue that pissed me off was the beer vendor in my section wore a green shirt over his usual uniform in the 2nd half just to get more business from the Eagles fans. Isn't that special?

The game was just what we expected. The Eagles fans were actually very tamed and felt bad for the Redskins fans. They were actually being very empathetic. After half-time, just about everyone left, other than the Eagles fans and few loyal fans. The rest were the ignorant twenty something (probably under 21) drunks. That's right, two fisting, liquor drinking drunks, I'm ashamed to call Redskins fans. One guy who was about 100 lbs. wet, was trying to pick a fight with a 300 lbs. Cowboys fan, it was so comical that even the security guards were laughing at him [Redskins fan]. They made the idiots leave early so they wouldn't get killed. And then there was the guy wearing a custom Redskins jersey with then name "A. DRUNKENGUY", which couldn't be a more perfect description. See video blow, very funny.

We decided to leave with about three minutes left in the game. The exit from the stadium was the usual mess. I was fully expecting my route to be hell because I have to pass the 95 North exit, which I figured would be the path for the Eagles fans. Suddenly the left side was wide open and the exit to the inner loop heading to Richmond was jammed packed. I was actually shocked and doubled checked to make sure I had the right exit. We go on and there was nobody on the outer loop of the Beltway. 99% of the cars heading to PA were going the wrong way. That was about the only good thing that happened last night (other than hanging out with family and good friends).

Monday, October 19, 2009

What I Think of Clinton Portis

With all the negative news about the Redskins franchise, I wanted to share my thoughts on Clinton Portis. The reason I'm writing this is mainly due to a moment of humanity I noticed on the field this past Sunday vs. the Chiefs.

The Redskins decided to kick the ball to KC to start the game, and as the ball was kicked, I always look to see who picks up the kicking tee. I have done this as long as I've been going to the games. I think it started with a Houston Oilers coach that was overweight and would run comically to pickup the tee. Anyway, this week a young boy ran out with the help of one of the assistant coaches. As he got back to the sideline, the only member of the Redskins team that greeted him, and gave him one of those moments he will remember for the rest of his life, was Clinton Portis. To be fair, maybe the team had already done something for the kid, who knows? But Clinton seemed genuine and acted like a true role model.

Now what I think about Clinton as a running back. I think overall, he is great. He runs like a big running back and we should be proud of him. Just look at his O line this year.

Anyway, thanks Clinton for all that you have done and continue to do for the fans and the Redskins.

Follow me on Twitter @Redskins_Fans

Monday, October 12, 2009

Snyder Will Destroy The Redskins Eventually

Yesterday after watching the Redskins drop another game to a winless team, I had one of those moments where it all just comes together. Let me start from the beginning.

I started my gameday watching the NFL network and all the experts were picking the Panthers to win. That's just how I like to start my football Sunday's (sarcasm). Fortunately, my son had a baseball game at 1:00 so I knew I would only be exposed to one half of Jim Zorn's crappy offense. All was good at the baseball game, my cousin texted me that we were up 7-2. Sweet, all is good.

Once I got home, the wheels game off the Redskins truck (as usual). I was sitting there, acting like a cool calm mature 41 year old, just shaking my head. However, my 11 year old son was losing his mind. Crying and freaking out, I was just shocked. We kept telling him "its only the begining of the 4th quarter" or "don't worry, we are still ahead", all to deaf ears. His insticts were dead on, we gave the game away once again. He [my son] lost his mind and went to his room to continue to scream and cry. [And no, he is not a spoiled brat]

It was then that it dawned on me, in 10 years, there is no way my son is going to go to the games with his friends. The only reason all the fans in their mid 20's and 30's go to the game, is due to the social brainwashing they recieved from their parents and media throughout the 80's and early 90's. Listen to me fans, listen carefully:


That's right, in just a few years, all the fans that attend today's games will have to get serious about life and will have different priorities with their disposable incomes. I seriousely doubt the next generation of fans are going to a) choose or b) be advised by their parents to attend the Redskins games. Even worse, with today's media exposure (NFL Network and the NFL Sunday Ticket), they will choose different teams.

Does Danny care? I don't think so. He is all about $$$$$$$$$$. When that stops, he will sell the team and buy an island to retire on.

Follow me on Twitter @Redskins_Fans

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Redskins Will Always be Average

The Washington Redskins will always remain average as long as they keep their existing ownership. Here is what I think about the current situation of my beloved Washington Redskins.

First let me start with a little background. I have been going to the games since 1981 and have watched over 95% of the away games on TV (including meaningless games on my honeymoon). I consider myself a real qualified Redskins fan. Most of the people I hear on the radio are too young to truly understand what we are starving for as "old time" fans. They will never shake FedEx like we did every week at RFK.

Last year if anyone attended the Hall of Fame ceremonies in Ohio, you would have seen a crowd you will never see at FedEx (and I'm not talking about the BBQ competition). The crowd was the real old time fans from the RFK days. I thouhgt I was in high school again. I have the video and once I get it off my camcorder I will post it on this blog.

Here is my theory on why Danny keeps the Redskins average or below average. The reason is simple. Good old money, that's right money. Very simple, don't over think it.

The real fans do not buy season tickets and then spend money in the stadium. As long as the fans eat in the parking lot and spend $20 or less in the stadium, Snyder will continue with his plan. The plan is to make the experience so bad that most season ticket holders will attend one or two games (or even better, none) and sell the rest of the tickets to the younger 20-30 year old fans that come to the games to party. They get so hammered that once inside, thy will keep buying food and drinks. This is why the fans don't know how to support the team when critical situations come up during the game. In the old days at RFK, the fans were so smart, they knew when to cheer, when to stay quite, when to boo if necessary and when to appreciate good effort.

Or lets look at the person that can't afford season tickets. He brings his son or his family for one game. Most parents will make that one game the best experience they can afford for their kids. So they will buy food and souveniours and drop $500-1000 easily for one game, vs. the season ticket holder that comes to every game but only spends $20 in the stadium. You do the math.

Bottom line is that we are fighting an uphill battle with the current ownership. We need an ownder who truly loves the team and the players. How difficult is it to try to copy success? Just copy the Steelers or the Baltimore Ravens? It can't be that hard.

Follow me on Twitter @Redskins_Fans